Listen and learn this SONG
Lyrics :
The microphone, I
TAKE (took, TAKen). You SHAKE (shook, SHAken).
WAKE (woke, WOken) to the STYLE Im creAting.
THINK (thought, THOUGHT). SEEK (sought, SOUGHT).
LISten to the LESson that I TEACH (taught, TAUGHT).
Dont SLEEP (slept, SLEPT). I CREEP (crept, CREPT).
I SNEAK (snuck, SNUCK UP). You LEAP (leapt, LEAPT).
I KEEP (kept, KEPT) HAVing FUN.
Im never BEAT (beat, BEAten); I WIN (won, WON).
DO (did, DONE). BeGIN (began, beGUN).
SHOOT (shot, SHOT)—no, I DONT own a GUN.
I LEAD (led, LED) so I can FEED (fed, FED).
the KNOWledge you NEED, STRAIGHT to your HEAD.
When I BRING (brought, BROUGHT) it, you CATCH (caught, CAUGHT) it.
Sit BACKreLAX. Dont FIGHT (fought, FOUGHT) it.
Please don't
FREEZE (froze, FROzen) when I SPEAK (spoke, SPOken).
Its REAL. You can FEEL I dont STEAL (stole, STOlen).
I CHOOSE (chose, CHOsen) the VERy best RHYMES and
WRITE (wrote, WRITten) them INto my LINES and
INto your MIND. When we MEET (met, MET)
Ill BET (bet, BET) I wont LET you forGET
(forGOTforGOTten). I GET (got, GOTten)
EVery head NODding. Dont THINK about STOPping
just COME (came, COME).
THIS is hip hop. I dont SING (sang, SUNG).
I STING (stung, STUNG). I CLING (clung, CLUNG).
On EACH and every WORD, you HANG (hung, HUNG).
Its not enough to
DREAM (dreamt, DREAMT); youve got to SPEND (spent, SPENT)
TIME on your GOALS. Please LEND (lent, LENT) me your
EAR. Come NEAR and Ill LAY (laid, LAID)
DOWN this new SOUND that I MAKE (made, MADE).
I HOPE you dont SAY that you THINK its JUNK.
I HOPE you dont THINK that I STINK (stank, STUNK).
If youre THIRSty for ENGlish, come DRINK (drank, DRUNK).
because I SINK (sank, SUNK) ALL compeTItion when they
HEAR (heard, HEARD) that I GIVE (gave, GIVen)
encouragement when I SPIT (spat, SPAT).
Never QUIT (quit, QUIT); dont SIT (sat, SAT).
Yeah, I LIKE it like THAT. Ill even KNEEL (knelt, KNELT).
and BEG you to exPRESS what you FEEL (felt, FELT).
I RISE (rose, RISen) when I DRIVE (drove, DRIVen) through
the BEAT; tap your FEET as you RIDE (rode, RIDden).
Those that HIDE (hid, HIDden) I FIND (found, FOUND).
If you FLEE (fled, FLED) then Ill TRACK you DOWN.
Now you SEE (saw, SEEN) that I MEAN (meant, MEANT)
every WORD of the MESsage that I SEND (sent, SENT).
I SHOW (showed, SHOWN) I can FLY (flew, FLOWN).
Now you KNOW (knew, KNOWN) I SHINE (shone, SHONE).
Ill THROW (threw, THROWN) you the BALL. Its your TURN.
GROW (grew, GROWN) with the VERBS that youve LEARNED.
GRAMmar through LYRics I DRAW (drew, DRAWN).
PEACE to elLS, now I GO (went, GONE)!
22 déc. 2017
21 déc. 2017
18 déc. 2017
12 déc. 2017
11 déc. 2017
monsters : wtach the video
Please click and watch the video
15 nov. 2017
Poem "spiders" + links to learn prepositions
Here is the video with the poey. Don't
forget to practise your prononciation !
learn the prepositions!song for kids
interactive book prepositions
game there is there are and prepositions
19 oct. 2017
Song "Homeless" : click here
Lyrics :
In this house where I grew up
With cozy chairs and broken cups
Memories piled up to the ceiling
Can they tell what I am feeling
I know this house outside and in
But three birds fly upon my skin
Lay my head down in the darkness
Like so many nights before this
In this bed where I rest
I'm homeless
This house I know best
But I'm homeless
My hunger it grows
And it won't let me go
And it burns in my chest
I'm homeless
Heavy steps on hardwood floors
Into my room trough broken doors
Try to leave this day behind me
But peace will never find me
In this bed where I rest
I'm homeless
This house I know best
But I'm homeless
My hunger it grows
And it won't let me go
And it burns in my chest
I'm homeless
I have a place I can call my own
That's where I go til the night is gone
I travel my mind and into my heart
Nobody knows when I go that far
In this bed where I rest
I'm homeless
This house I know best
But I'm homeless
My hunger it grows
And it won't let me go
And it burns in my chest
I'm homeless
French :
Dans cette maison où j'ai grandi
Avec des chaises confortables et des tasses cassées
Les souvenirs empilés jusqu'au plafond
Peuvent-ils dire ce que je ressens ?
Je connais cette maison de l'extérieur et de l'intérieur
Mais trois oiseaux volent sur ma peau
Je pose ma tête dans les ténèbres
Comme tant de nuits avant ça
Dans ce lit où je me repose
Je n'ai pas de chez-moi
Cette maison que je connais le mieux
Mais je n'ai pas de chez-moi
Ma faim grandit
Et elle ne veut pas me laisser
Et elle brûle dans ma poitrine
Je n'ai pas de chez-moi
Pas lourds sur des planchers de bois
Dans ma chambre à travers des portes cassées
J'essaie de laisser ce jour derrière moi
Mais la paix ne me trouvera jamais
Dans ce lit où je me repose
Je n'ai pas de chez-moi
Cette maison que je connais le mieux
Mais je n'ai pas de chez-moi
Ma faim grandit
Et elle ne veut pas me laisser
Et elle brûle dans ma poitrine
Je n'ai pas de chez-moi
J'ai une place que je peux dire mienne
C'est là où je vais jusqu'à ce que la nuit soit partie
Je voyage dans mon esprit et dans mon cœur
Personne ne sait quand je m'en vais si loin
Dans ce lit où je me repose
Je n'ai pas de chez-moi
Cette maison que je connais le mieux
Mais je n'ai pas de chez-moi
Ma faim grandit
Et elle ne veut pas me laisser
Et elle brûle dans ma poitrine
Je n'ai pas de chez-moi
Homework "ME and MY FAMILY" in Year 7
Homework "ME and MY IDEAL FAMILY" in Year 7
This homework is for pupils in Scotland.
1/ Make a video OR a powerpoint presentation
Watch a video here or here for the powerpoint presentation
2/ you must include
- greetings (hello etc.)
- name
- age
- school
- where ?
- YOUR IDEAL FAMILY : choose your ideal family, justify and show pictures !
For example :
"My ideal dad is the Prince William, because I love England.
My ideal mum is Rihanna because I love music !
Etc etc etc ....
12 oct. 2017
listening audios
I'm soooo sorry, I can't upload my videos ...
I'll try again tomorrow.
If you have a flashdrive, bring it to class tomorrow and I'll copy the recordings on it for you.
I'll try again tomorrow.
If you have a flashdrive, bring it to class tomorrow and I'll copy the recordings on it for you.
5 oct. 2017
Pop Art videos
How to start drawing your celebrity using Pop Art ?
1/ for a Pop Art tutorial video, click HERE
2/ to understand more about Andy Warhol's Pop Art style, click HERE
3/ for another video about Andy Warhol's Pop Art Style, click HERE
4/ Finally, to understand Pop Art and get to know different Pop Art artists and styles, click HERE
28 sept. 2017
Worksheet lesson 2 parts A and B
Worksheet lesson 2
Suggestions Part a
My name’s… I was born on…/ in ... two thousand and four. So, I’m… years old.
I live in… and I’m in 8th grade / Year 9.
I’m a very… student : I never… / I often… I always…
At school, I like… / I don't like …
I never / always eat at the cafeteria / canteen. I always / often / never go to the library.
After school, I play tennis / volley-ball… I go running every day / twice a week.
I want / don’t want to join a school club.
Suggestions part B
What’s your name? → My name’s…
When and where were you born? → I was born on…
How old are you? → I’m… years old.
What do you like at school? → I like… but I don’t like…
Do you eat at the cafeteria / canteen? → Yes, I do / No, I don’t.
How often do you eat at the cafeteria / canteen? → I always / often / sometimes eat at the cafeteria. I eat on… and…
Do you often go to the library? → I never go to the library
Suggestions Part a
My name’s… I was born on…/ in ... two thousand and four. So, I’m… years old.
I live in… and I’m in 8th grade / Year 9.
I’m a very… student : I never… / I often… I always…
At school, I like… / I don't like …
I never / always eat at the cafeteria / canteen. I always / often / never go to the library.
After school, I play tennis / volley-ball… I go running every day / twice a week.
I want / don’t want to join a school club.
Suggestions part B
What’s your name? → My name’s…
When and where were you born? → I was born on…
How old are you? → I’m… years old.
What do you like at school? → I like… but I don’t like…
Do you eat at the cafeteria / canteen? → Yes, I do / No, I don’t.
How often do you eat at the cafeteria / canteen? → I always / often / sometimes eat at the cafeteria. I eat on… and…
Do you often go to the library? → I never go to the library
25 sept. 2017
Numbers 1 to 100
Year 7s, learn your numbers !
Pay attention to your spelling !
The difficult numbers are highlighted in yellow.
1 one |
2 two |
3 three |
4 four |
5 five |
6 six |
7 seven |
8 eight |
9 nine |
10 ten |
11 eleven |
12 twelve |
13 thirteen |
14 fourteen |
15 fifteen |
16 sixteen |
17 seventeen |
18 eighteen |
19 nineteen |
20 twenty |
21 twenty-one |
22 twenty-two |
23 twenty-three |
24 twenty-four |
25 twenty-five |
26 twenty-six |
27 twenty-seven |
28 twenty-eight |
29 twenty-nine |
30 thirty |
10 ten |
20 twenty |
30 thirty |
40 forty |
50 fifty |
60 sixty |
70 seventy |
80 eighty |
90 ninety |
100 a hundred |
1000 a thousand
22 sept. 2017
Unit 2 Lesson 1 VOTE FOR ME - Tom and Dayne - listening activity
Listen again to the conversation between Dayne and Emily : click HERE
21 sept. 2017
Unit 2 lesson 1 ALL ABOUT ME and my favourite celebrity : listening activities
Listen to the recordings again here :
- For recording number 2, click hereVideo about Marilyn Monroe and Andy Warhol
18 sept. 2017
Writing test : criteria
« Make a poster in pairs about an imaginary school's rules » You must show what is possible to do and impossible. You must adapt your poster to a specific school : it can be a funny, mad, scary, …. school.
Critères d'évaluation
Composante Linguistique - Correction grammaticale
Réutilise les 3 structures grammaticales du cours / 7
Réutilise 2 structures grammaticales / 5
Réutilise 1 structure grammaticale /2
Composante linguistique – Vocabulaire et orthographe
Très bonne réutilisation du vocabulaire vu en cours, très bonne orthographe / 7
Réutilisation du vocabulaire du cours et orthographe adéquates /5
Vocabulaire utilisé basé sur les acquis (pas sur le cours) /2
Présentation lisible, des efforts (couleurs, …), un peu adaptée au sujet /3
Présentation illisible, peu de couleurs, non ou mal adaptée au sujet /2
Total / 20 et remarques du professeur
Insuffisant Fragile Satisfaisant Très satisfaisant
Critères d'évaluation
Composante Linguistique - Correction grammaticale
Réutilise les 3 structures grammaticales du cours / 7
Réutilise 2 structures grammaticales / 5
Réutilise 1 structure grammaticale /2
Composante linguistique – Vocabulaire et orthographe
Très bonne réutilisation du vocabulaire vu en cours, très bonne orthographe / 7
Réutilisation du vocabulaire du cours et orthographe adéquates /5
Vocabulaire utilisé basé sur les acquis (pas sur le cours) /2
Composante pragmatique
Présentation attrayante, colorée, lisible, adaptée au sujet (type d'école) /4Présentation lisible, des efforts (couleurs, …), un peu adaptée au sujet /3
Présentation illisible, peu de couleurs, non ou mal adaptée au sujet /2
Composante sociolinguistique
Travail collaboratif / 2Total / 20 et remarques du professeur
Insuffisant Fragile Satisfaisant Très satisfaisant
Classroom rules (must)
You must be on time with all your school things
You mustn't bring your file in class, you must keep it at home
You must take your coat off, you mustn't wear a cap.
You mustn't chew gum, you mustn't use your MP3 player or your phone. It is stricly prohibited ! It is forbidden !
You must listen to the teacher and your classmates, so you must be respectful.
You must correct the mistakes.
You must put your papers in the bin and you must tidy up before you go.
Remember : you mustn't speak French ! It is stricly prohibited !
And don't forget : you must respect other classmates (pupils) and the school environment.
You mustn't bring your file in class, you must keep it at home
You must take your coat off, you mustn't wear a cap.
You mustn't chew gum, you mustn't use your MP3 player or your phone. It is stricly prohibited ! It is forbidden !
You must listen to the teacher and your classmates, so you must be respectful.
You must correct the mistakes.
You must put your papers in the bin and you must tidy up before you go.
Remember : you mustn't speak French ! It is stricly prohibited !
And don't forget : you must respect other classmates (pupils) and the school environment.
14 sept. 2017
Useful sentences in the English class
sentences for the English class
rentres dans la classe
Hello !
Good morning ! Good afternoon !
es en retard, tu t'excuses
am sorry, I'm late !
veux t'asseoir
I sit down ?
as oublié ton cahier, tes devoirs
haven't got my book / my homework !
sorry ! Excuse me !
te plaît / merci /
/ thank you
tes / vos souhaits
veux connaître les objectifs de la leçon
are the objectives today ?
as trop chaud et tu veux ouvrir la fenêtre
I open the window (I'm hot)
as trop froid et tu veux fermer la fenêtre
I close the window ? (I'm cold)
veux emprunter un stylo / un mouchoir
I have a pen / tissue please ?
veux allumer / éteindre la lumière
I switch (turn) the lights on / off ?
demandes de répéter
you repeat please ?
veux jeter quelque chose à la poubelle
I go to the bin?
veux savoir si on écrit, tu dis :
we write ?
veux savoir si on colle, tu dis :
we glue / stick ?
ne comprends pas
don't understand.
ne sais pas
don't know.
on dit … en français ?
the French for …. ?
on dit …. en anglais ?
the English for … ?
travail de ton binôme est correct
Excellent !
Very good (well done ! )
travail de ton binôme est raté
not good ! Rubbish !
mon tour
my turn
ton tour
your turn
veux aller aux toilettes
I go to the toilets please ?
veux distribuer les feuilles
I hand out the worksheet please ?
veux parler en français
I speak French please ?
n'est pas juste
not fair !
binôme a fait une erreur, tu lui dis :
made a mistake
professeur a oublié un point, tu lui dis
forgotten a point Miss !
sors de la classe
bye ! Bye bye ! See you later ! See you soon !
See you tomorrow
Spelling Bee competition : the Jury's questions
your name ?
My name is …
My name is …
How old are you ?
am 10 (ten) – 11 (eleven) – 12 (twelve) years old
are you ?
I am fine – excited – soso – stressed out - …
I am fine – excited – soso – stressed out - …
are you from ?
I am from …
I am from …
do you live ?
I live in …
I live in …
you ready ?
Yes, I am / No I'm not
Yes, I am / No I'm not
8 sept. 2017
Unit 1 : Classroom English (marking)
Please find here the answer key :
English |
Je ne comprends pas |
I don't understand |
Je ne sais pas |
don't know |
(peux-tu répéter) |
you repeat please ? |
Comment on dit ….. en anglais ? |
the English for …. ? |
Comment on dit … en français ? |
the French for … ? |
Excuse-moi |
me / Sorry / Pardon me |
C'est ton tour (à toi) |
your turn |
C'est mon tour (à moi) |
my turn |
Bonjour (matin / après-midi / soir) |
morning / good afternoon / good evening |
Au revoir |
bye / bye / See you later / See you soon / See you later |
A tes souhaits |
Ce n'est pas juste ! |
not fair |
S'il te plaît / merci |
/ thank you (thanks) |
Pourquoi ? Parce-que ….. |
Why ?
Because |
French |
English |
Est-ce que je peux …. |
….. emprunter un stylo ? |
borrow a pen |
…....m'asseoir ? |
down |
….... avoir un point ? |
a point |
…. entrer ? |
in |
…. ouvrir la fenêtre ? |
the window |
…. fermer la porte ? |
the door |
….. allumer la lumière ? |
the light on |
…... parler en français ? |
French |
….. être volontaire ? |
a volunteer to (be the teacher assistant, etc ...) |
….. distribuer les feuilles ? |
out the worksheet |
… aller aux toilettes ? |
to the toilets (the loo) |
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